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Vietnam Culture & People

Earning a living on the sea

Earning a living on the sea

Going out to sea in dug-out canoes in the early morning, fishermen in My Khe, Da Nang city, return home in the afternoon with big catches of fish on some days and with bare hands on other days. 



If night and early morning is the time for rest for most people, this is the time for work of fishermen.


In the past, fishermen could know where there were fish, shrimp or cuttle-fish based on the experience. But now, many fishermen have search machines.




Checking nets before going to the sea.








The whole family prepares the boat, but only one man will go to sea.




Those at home are always ready to draw up nets.






The smile for a good catch.


In turn, batches of fish and cuttle-fish are put into baskets to go to market.


Some times fishermen come home with nothing, but some days they can earn up to thousands of USD.


Big fish are sold to restaurants to serve tourists.


Many families have worked as fishermen for 15 generations.


Simple coracles are the means of living of many fishermen in My Khe, which has the most beautiful beach in Vietnam.




Some families have half of their members working as fishermen and half as workers.


Some fishermen don’t want their children to do their job.


Around 1-2 months, fishermen have to maintain their vehicles.






When a new day is coming, fishermen in My Khe go to the sea, hoping to have a big catch.

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